Dr. Regina U. Hess
Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist,
Transpersonal Psychotherapy / Transcultural Energetic-Spiritual Work
Research / Teaching / Publication / Art / Film /
Shamanic Expeditions / Cultural Exchange
Dr. Regina U. Hess International – Ase World Forum – Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Sciences
Dr. Regina U. Hess International is the founder and director of “Ase World Forum” – Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Sciences. At its core, this work is based on “Ase” (Yoruba), meaning to connect with and become a vessel for the original Divine life force within. The aim is to contribute to the global knowledge of ancient sacred healing traditions and ancient wisdom, the Divine Feminine, healing and wellbeing, drawing on the Yoruba culture and other cultures from around the world, and intertwining it with 21th century scientiific knowledge. The goal is to establish a formal international interdisciplinary collaborative platform for the conservation of ancient healing traditions and ancient knowledge, sacred medicine, integrative intervention, research, teaching, publication, art, film, shamanic expeditions and cultural exchange.
Regina is a clinical psychologist graduated from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and holds a joined Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology/Sofia University, U.S. & embodied phenomenology, ‘Centre for Qualitative Research, Bournemouth University, UK. She is a body-centered Gestalt psychotherapist, creative therapist, and transpersonal psychotherapist. She works on the integration of ancient healing traditions and ancient knowledge with modern sciences. Regina has a broad experience in humanitarian fieldwork and research on issues of global health, and is a registered nurse in her first education. Regina is born and brought up in South Germany and has lived and worked extensively in different continents of the world and understands herself as a global citizen.
Regina survived the 2004 Asian Tsunami, which led to her specialization in transpersonal disaster/trauma intervention programs and transcultural field research in her doctoral dissertation and further work. Regina maintains a private practice in Cologne, Germany, with a focus on healing individual and collective/transgenerational transcultural trauma and the integration of different shamanic traditions from India/Nepal/Tibet, West African, Native Indian, Siberian and Celtic. Regina focusses on the use of different trance techniques to access altered states of consciousness for personal/spiritual development and transformation/healing. She is faculty at international transpersonal educational institutes and is in the core team of the International Institute for Consciousness Exploration and Psychotherapy, Freiburg, Germany. Regina co-organizes/co-fascilitates shamanic expeditions worldwide. She travles the world since she was 15, and spezialized in the study of diverse ancient healing traditions, spiritual paths, culture, and the anthropology of consiousness.
Regina is an independent researcher. She has particulary expertise in embodied phenomenological approaches and transcultural field research, and the intertwining of arts-based methods and film for aesthetic interpretation of research findings and for the dissemination of knowledge accesible to a wider public. She is on the Board of Directors of the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS) and the International Transpersonal Association (ITA). She is co-founder of the international Transpersonal Research Network (TRN), of the EUROTAS Division of Transpersonal Research (EDTR), of the EUROTAS Disaster/Trauma Task Force (EDTTF). She is co-founder of the Transpersonal Film Division, Emergent Studies Institute, U.S. and is a co-founding member of the Arts & Sciences Researcher Forum, Cambridge University, UK. Regina is the head of peer-reviewing at the Integral Transpersonal Journal (ITJ) and is on the editorial board at the Forum Qualitative Social Research (FQS). She publishes and is co-editor of books in the transpersonal field, and co-organizes/co-fascilitates conferences and the yearly Transpersonal Research Colloquim (TRC). Sie ist bi-lingual: German/English.
E-mail: dr.reginahess@gmail.com
Skype: regina.hess
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