Doctoral Dissertation
Heβ, R. U. (2012a). Women’s lives in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands and their experiences with the ‘Capacitar Practices’ for transforming trauma: an embodied inquiry. Retrieved October 9, 2012, from Proquest (U.S.), Dissertations & Theses / Open Access: Full Text. (Publication No. AAT3529762) (and published in UK online at the British Library and Bournemouth University).
Journal Articles
Lattuada, P.L. & Hess, R. U. (2015). Towards an organismic-dynamic epistemology and research methodology: The further mode of knowing of inner experiences of states of consciousness. Integral Transpersonal Journal, 7, (Italy), 12-48.
Hess, R. U. (2013a). Peer-review to ensure scientific integrity: An outline of ITJ’s review process and invitation to submit articles. Call for Action, Integral Transpersonal Journal, 4, (Italy), 14-17.
Hess, R. U. (2013b) (co-author). Cultural competency guidelines for mental health professionals working with clients who report issues related to their spiritually transformative experiences (STE’s). CA: American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences ( ACISTE) (Ver. 10.9.2013). Retrieved Sept 10, 2013 from
Heβ, R. U. (2012b). Poetic embodied interpretation of re-search findings: an evocative approach to social sciences methods. Creative Approaches to Research, Vol. 5(2), (Australia), 20-33.
Heβ, R. U. (2012c). Beyond the Abyss: Re-born out of primal waters:’ An autobiographical embodied understanding of the phenomenon
’surviving the 2004 Asian tsunami’. Journal of Archetypal Studies, Vol.
2, (U.S.), 121-135.
Heβ, R. U. (2012d). Nondual embodied understanding as ‘borderland state of consciousness’: Relevance for theory, practice and research in transpersonal psychology. Integral Transpersonal Journal, 2(2), (Italy),
Heβ, R. U. (2012e). An embodied approach to re-search into body-based healing practices for transforming trauma with cultural and spiritual diverse individuals. Somatic Psychotherapy Today, Summer Issue, (U.S.), 40-43.
Conference Proceedings
Hess, R. (2008a). Sustaining the Diversity of Life. Conference report on the
13th Spring symposium “Sustaining cultural and biological diversity in a rapidly changing world: Lessons for global policy. ”Center for
Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History,
New York City, April 2-5, 2008. Palo Alto, California, U.S.: Sophia University, World Wide Learning Exchange (WWLE) Program. Retrieved August 3, 2012 at
Hess, R. (2008b). The art and science of forgiveness. In I. Jahrsetz (Ed.), Forgiving and reconciliation – towards an enlightened world culture. EUROTAS Conference Book 2007. Freiburg, Germany: Holotropos Publishing, p. 106-112.
Co-Editor – Publication of Books – Work in Progress
McMullin, L., Hess, R. U., & Boucouvalas, M. (Eds.). Metamorphosis: Dis- Integration, re-Integration, conscious living. Transpersonal perspectives from theory, practice and research. Cambidge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Jahrsetz, I, Pervöltz, R., Herbst, J., Franke, D., Dreßler, S., Hess, R. U., Brevde, G. (Eds.). Coming Home: Spiritual journeys, practice & transpersonal psychotherapy. Bi-lingual: German/English. Pforzheim, Germany: Unity Verlag/Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
About the Ase World Forum and Dr. Regina U. Hess
Ase World Forum – Dr. Regina U. Hess International – Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Sciences is concerned with the conservation of ancient healing traditions and ancient knowledge, sacred medicine, integrative intervention,
research, teaching, publications, art, film, shamanic expeditions, and cultural exchange.
Dr. Regina U. Hess (Cologne, Germany)
Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Nurse
Transcultural Energetic-Spiritual Healing Work, Research, Teaching, Publications, Art, Film, Shamanic Expeditions, and Cultural Exchange
Short Bio of Regina U. Hess, PhD (Cologne, Germany)
Dr. Regina U. Hess is a clinical psychologist who graduated from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and holds a joint PhD in transpersonal psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology/Sofia University, USA and in embodied phenomenology from the ‘Centre for Qualitative Research, Bournemouth University, UK. She is a body-centered Gestalt psychotherapist, creative therapist, and transpersonal psychotherapist. She works on the integration of ancient healing traditions with modern sciences. Regina has a broad experience in humanitarian fieldwork and research on issues of global health. Born and brought up in southern Germany, she has lived, worked extensively in different countries and different continents of the world, and understands herself as a global citizen.
Having survived the 2004 Asian Tsunami, Regina specialized in her doctoral dissertation in transpersonal disaster/trauma intervention programs and transcultural field research. Central to her further work is supporting the healing of individual and collective / transgenerational transcultural trauma and the integration of different shamanic traditions from India/Nepal/Tibet, West African, North America and Siberia, together with Celtic traditions and the Divine Feminine/women’s spirituality. Regina focusses on the use of different trance techniques to access altered states of consciousness for personal and spiritual development, transformation and healing.
She is faculty at international transpersonal educational institutes and is a member of the core team of the International Institute for Consciousness Exploration and Psychotherapy, Freiburg, Germany. Regina co-organizes and co-facilitates shamanic expeditions worldwide. She has travelled the world since she was 15, living and working in many countries of the world, specializing in the study of diverse ancient healing traditions, spiritual paths, culture, and the anthropology of consiousness.
Regina is an independent researcher. She has particularly expertise in embodied phenomenological approaches and transcultural field research, and the intertwining of arts-based methods and film to facilitate aesthetic interpretation of research findings and disseminate knowledge to a wider public. She is the head of peer-reviewing at the Integral Transpersonal Journal (ITJ) and is on the editorial board at the Forum for Qualitative Social Research (FQS). She publishes and is co-editor of books in the transpersonal field, and co-organizes and co-fascilitates conferences and the annual
Transpersonal Research Colloquium (TRC).
Regina is on the Board of Directors of the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS) and the International Transpersonal Association (ITA). She is co-founder of the international Transpersonal Research Network (TRN), of the EUROTAS Division of Transpersonal Research (EDTR), of the EUROTAS Disaster/Trauma Task Force (EDTTF). She is co-founder of the Transpersonal Film Division, Emergent Studies Institute, U.S. and is a co- founding member of the Arts & Sciences Researcher Forum, Cambridge University, UK. She is bi-lingual German/English.
Skype: regina.hess
Mobile: +4917677466127