Dr. Regina U. Hess is actively engaged in research, the co-founding of international research networks and the co-facilitation of research colloquiums.
Regina is co-founder of the Division of Transpersonal Research of the European Transpersonal Association – EDTR.
Regina is co-founder of the international Transpersonal Research Network (TRN).
Regina is co-founder, co-organizer, and co-facilitator of the yearly Transpersonal Research Colloquium.
Call for Papers for the 2016 Transpersonal Research Colloquium is open.
2016 Second Transpersonal Research Colloquium
Research Models and Methods for Transpersonal Research
Sept 15-16, 2016, London, UK
The Second Transpersonal Research Colloquium, TRC 2016, will be held on September 15-16, 2016 in the UK at Highgate House, an English country house in Northamptonshire. The TRC immediately precedes the 20th Annual Conference of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society (BPS) on September 17-18, 2016 at the same location. A few days later, on September 21-25, the 2016 EUROTAS Conference (http://www.eurotas2016.com/) takes place in Romania.
The mission of each annual Transpersonal Research Colloquium is to engage researchers worldwide in dialogue and training related to research methods and procedures that further the study of transpersonal, spiritual, and related topics. The theme for TRC 2016 is Research Models and Methods for Transpersonal Research. TRC 2016 will be co-sponsored by the EUROTAS Division of Transpersonal Research, Integral Transpersonal Institute, Transpersonal Consultancy, and the British Psychological Society Transpersonal Psychology Section.
Based on the success of TRC 2015 in Milan, Italy, the Transpersonal Research Network (TRN), www.transpersonalresearchnetwork.com, was founded by the four primary organizers: Rosemarie Anderson of Transpersonal Consultancy (www.transpersonalconsultancy.com) and Professor Emerita at Sofia University, Giovanna Calabrese and Regina U. Hess representing the EUROTAS Division of Transpersonal Research (http://eurotas.org/division-of-transpersonal-research-edtr/), and Pier Luigi Lattuada of the Integral Transpersonal Institute (www.integraltranspersonal.com). They are joined this year in organizing and hosting TRC 2016 by Les Lancaster, Professor Emeritus of Transpersonal Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University, UK, representing the British Psychological Society Transpersonal Section (http://www.bps.org.uk/networks-and-communities/member-microsite/transpersonal-psychology-section).
The presentation format will be collaborative and egalitarian giving each participant equal time to speak. Ample time will be provided for discussions and networking with other participants and for initiating collaborations for ongoing or newly created research projects. The final TRC 2016 program will be co-constructed depending on accepted proposals. TRC presenters are expected to attend both days of the TRC.
Participation in the colloquium will be open to professional researchers with PhDs, MDs, or doctoral candidates actively engaged in research. To apply for participation, kindly send us the following:
- An abstract of your work based on the conference theme, Research Models and Methods for Transpersonal Research (200 words in English)
- Short bio including research background (100-200 words in English)
- A head-shot photo of you
- We would like to include your abstract as public information on the TRN website. Therefore, let us know if this is acceptable to you in your application materials.
Deadline for submission of application: June 15, 2016. Submit your application materials to info@transpersonalresearchnetwork.com. You will receive a response to your application by July 15, 2016, and full details for registration will be included.
Highgate House, the venue for TRC2016 and the BPS conference that follows, has all the charm of a 17th-century English country house, tastefully modernized to offer state-of-the-art conference facilities. It is easily accessible from London. For full details see http://www.sundialgroup.com/venues-hotels/highgate-house/overview. Those joining us can choose a single room or to share in a twin room.
Those attending both the TRC and the BPS Transpersonal Psychology Section conference can pay for the ‘package’ thereby receiving a lower rate for attending both events.
Fees are as follows:
Full fee | Discounted fee* | |
Wednesday dinner through to end of day Friday prior to dinner: | ||
Single room | £358.00 | £343.00 |
Shared room | £298.00 | £283.00 |
Friday dinner through to end of day Sunday prior to dinner: | ||
Single room | £330.00 | £275.00 |
Shared room | £306.00 | £255.00 |
Wednesday dinner through to end of day Sunday prior to dinner: | ||
Single room | £663.00 | £598.00 |
Shared room | £583.00 | £518.00 |
Day Rate for the TRC (including registration, teas/coffees and lunch) — for Thursday, September 15 and Friday, September 16 totals £110 for both days. |
*Members of EUROTAS or the BPS Transpersonal Psychology Section qualify for the discount.
Those wishing to submit a paper for the BPS Transpersonal Psychology Conference, please contact Professor Chris Roe, Chair of Section, at Chris.Roe@northampton.ac.uk. Insert “TP Conference” as the subject of the email.
Warm regards,
Rosemarie Anderson, Ph.D. (USA)
Giovanna Calabrese, Ph.D., Psy.D., M.D. (Italy)
Regina U Hess, Ph.D. (Germany)
Pier Luigi Lattuada, Ph.D., M.D. (Italy)
Les Lancaster, Ph.D. (UK)
Photo credit: Regina U. Hess